Specific Needs:

In addition to large goals, it takes many smaller individual expenses to keep our school running. Please consider helping us meet the specific needs of our school!

1* Cleaning supplies- $35

Help our cleaning team keep our school spotless for one month.

2* Books- $45

Purchase textbooks and exercise books for a student for one school year.

3* Medical Kit- $65

Purchase one month’s worth of medical supplies and supplement medical expenses for J2W.

4* Field Trip- $250

Make it possible for J2W to take students on a field trip!

Any donation amount helps! Thank you for partnering with us!

*1: “Broom, clean, cleaning, dust icon” created by Fazrian Zahrawani 

*2: “Bible, book, education, knowledge, learning, library icon” created by  First Styles

*3: “Bag, first aid, medical bag icon” created by Jenny Kate 

*4: “Bus Icon” created by Visual Pharm. Found at https://www.iconfinder.com/icons/172577/bus_icon License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/3.0/legalcode