As a measure of controlling polio, health workers have been tasked to administer the polio vaccine across the country. The Ghana Health Service (GHS) has launched series of vaccination campaigns […]
As a measure of controlling polio, health workers have been tasked to administer the polio vaccine across the country. The Ghana Health Service (GHS) has launched series of vaccination campaigns […]
The First United Methodist Church – FUMC have really blown our mind with over 200 dresses donated to the students of Joy2theWorld. Words cannot describe our heart-filled gratitude and contentment […]
Bienvenido de nuevo a la escuela! Welcome back to school!!!!!!!!! After a long vacation period of about a month and a week, Joy2TheWorld International Christian Academy finally welcomes it’s students […]
It’s an important role… being an MC at such an important event! Just like the Oscars, the timing, the introductions, and acknowledgments are critical. Meet our MC’s this year….P4 Teacher, […]
Very serious skits caught everyone’s attention. P3 engaged the audience in an interview of guests regarding the safety of children/road safety. Parents were clapping, shouting, and even physically participated as […]
Dancing is always a big part of any celebration in Ghana. Today at the KG2 Graduation was no exception. Some small ones learned to dance with white handkerchiefs, more dramatic […]
A sponsor favorite and a favorite of all the teachers and staff…the modeling of students. Parents and teachers assist in preparing the new modeling costume and the children enjoy modeling […]
Dancers danced, actors acted, models modeled…and Cadets marched! It was awesome. The Cadets marched with precision and the audience of parents, teachers and staff were mesmerized as Julius counted and […]
Our KG2 students are officially promoted to Primary 1. This a momentous occasion for students and parents alike. And so a celebration is in order! Parents and grandparents arrive dressed […]