- Joy2theWorld (J2W) provided more than 1,000 micro loans to over 350 women as well as business coaching to women clients
- J2W provided over 275 scholarships for the children of clients
- Over 300 free breast cancer examinations and free eye exams were conducted for men and women in the community
- We drilled a fresh-water well which now provides fresh drinking water to over 600 families. In addition, buckets with spigots, the closest thing to running water in many homes, were distributed for sanitation
- In partnership with Rotary Club in Houston and the local Rotary Accra-West – J2W organized and distributed over 90,000 school books and novels to local schools and libraries
- In partnership with Rotary Clubs in the U.S. and the local Rotary, J2W organized and managed the Sanitation Project in Medie. We removed toxic waste from a large lot located in the center of Medie and transformed it into a clean lot for children to play in safely
- Joy2theWorld opened Joy2theWorld International Christian Academy in September, 2013 providing the community education for their 3-7 year old children
Joy2theWorld has accomplished much in it’s over ten-year history in Ghana. Here are just a few of our accomplishments: