A young girl’s daily chore is to fetch water from the new well for her family to use for the day. Prior to Joy2theWorld building the well, water source was […]
Sanitation Project
Sanitation Project is Transforming the Community of Medie These days it is quite common to see neighbors come by and marvel at the activities surrounding the Sanitation Project – a […]
Environmental Project (2014)
Completing a year of the Sanitation Project 2013-2014 in Medie, Ghana Joy2theWorld is very proud to partner with Rotary International and Rotary Clubs in the U.S. and Accra to complete […]
2013: Christmas Break
We are getting our school ready for Term 2. Teachers are off for the week of December 23-27 for rest and family celebrations. But everyone returns on December 30 for […]
A Game Worth Playing Update (2014)
You have made a difference! And there is more to come…If you can help! More news on “A Game Worth Playing”. After learning about what makes life worth living from […]
A Game Worth Playing (2014)
Many of us get caught up in the day-to-day activities that occupy our schedules but rarely fill our hearts. Then, some of us run for the magazine (short) version of […]
2013: Term 1
Congratulations to the students for completing TERM 1! Friday, December 13, 2013 was the final day of Term 1 and the first PTA meeting! The children sang and danced for […]
This is How Our Students Look After Only Four Months of School (2014)
Meet Christian, Joachim, Wisdom, Patrick and David! They are shining examples how 4 months can transform a child’s life. They were playing soccer during break and stopped for a moment […]
Field Trip to Bojo Beach (2014)
Our 28 students participated in a field trip to the private Bojo Beach… The kids studied about salt water (and clean vs. contaminated water), fish, boats, shells and waves. But […]
Dance (2014)
KG1 (4-5 year olds) are learning cultural dances.