The 5-year anniversary celebration was a blast! There was dancing, singing, plays, skits, and a C-A-K-E! This cake was awesome! The bakery digitalized pictures from previous years….including students, staff and […]
The First United Methodist Church of La Porte, TX Arrived in Ghana- Folks on a Mission! (Sep 30th, 2018)
The First United Methodist Church (FUMC) of La Porte, TX arrived in Ghana …all 13 of them! Each armed with suitcases and boxes of books! It was perfect timing to […]
The “Mission Team” Arrived with Jeans, Books, School Supplies and… Bibles! (Sep 30th, 2018)
The First United Methodist Church (FUMC) showered our students with new books for our library…the students lined up to help stack the shelves. Some held books close to their hearts […]
Introducing Mary Daboah- Associate Director of J2W International Christian Academy (Sep, 1st 2015)
Meet Mary Daboah Mary Daboah begins her post as Associate Director of the Joy2theWorld International Christian Academy beginning September 1, 2015. Mary has management and organization experience and has taught […]
Week 2: Environmental Project “Adopt a Gutter” (May 21st, 2015)
Update on Primary 1’s “Adopt a Gutter” environmental project. It is week 2 and after inspection it appears the owners of the land have pitched in to help keep their […]
Environmental Project- Primary 1- Adopt A Gutter in Ghana (May 15th, 2015)
Environmental Project – Primary 1 – “Adopt a Gutter” Our Primary 1 students adopted a small section of a long gutter to clean it of trash and waste, to sweep […]
Term 3: The Environment (May 14th, 2015)
Joy2theWorld International Christian Academy (NGO) (J2W) has chosen The Environment as our theme for Term 3 2015. Each class, Nursery through Primary 1 will study the environment and take on […]
Executive Team and Board of Directors (March 7th, 2015)
KATHLEEN GIBBS – PRESIDENT Kathleen Gibbs –Founder and President of Joy2theWorld since 2008. While working for Farmers Insurance Group (2005-2011), Kathleen traveled to Ghana, W.A. to volunteer and learn more […]
Joy2theWorld’s Historical Background and Accomplishments (Jan, 11th 2015)
Joy2theWorld has a 8-year long history in Ghana. Here a brief synopsis of our history, the variety of services we have provided, the impact we have had in Medie and […]
Dagara Music… Drums, Bells, and Rattles (Jan, 2nd 2015)
Previously posted April 21, 2014…Before the break I made a personal promise to my teachers that I would find a music teacher! I really stuck my neck out because I […]