Joy2theWorld has accomplished much in it’s over ten-year history in Ghana. Here are just a few of our accomplishments:
  • Joy2theWorld (J2W) provided more than 1,000 micro loans to over 350 women as well as business coaching to women clients
  • J2W provided over 275 scholarships for the children of clients
  • Over 300 free breast cancer examinations and free eye exams were conducted for men and women in the community
  • We drilled a fresh-water well which now provides fresh drinking water to over 600 families. In addition, buckets with spigots, the closest thing to running water in many homes, were distributed for sanitation
  • In partnership with Rotary Club in Houston and the local Rotary Accra-West – J2W organized and distributed over 90,000 school books and novels to local schools and libraries
  • In partnership with Rotary Clubs in the U.S. and the local Rotary, J2W organized and managed the Sanitation Project in Medie. We removed toxic waste from a large lot located in the center of Medie and transformed it into a clean lot for children to play in safely
  • Joy2theWorld opened Joy2theWorld International Christian Academy in September, 2013 providing the community education for their 3-7 year old children
We add to our list of accomplishments every year and thank God for the opportunity to be the instruments of influence in our community! We have big plans for the future and hope that you will join us as we continue to do the work of Christ in West Africa!